Saturday, January 4, 2020

What to Know When Youre Looking at a Candidates Social Media Profiles - Spark Hire

What to Know When Youre Looking at a Candidates Social Media Profiles - Spark HireSocial media plays a major role in the hiring process today. You may think you have the perfect candidate, but some online research shows you that this partie isnt exactly the person they presented themselves as in the interview. As a result, youre suddenly left with some questions about whether theyre actually a good fit for your company. And while its wise to do some social media-related research before making a candidate an offer, its important to do so carefully so as to avoid getting your business into any legal trouble. Here are some tips for toeing that lineNever ask a potential new hire for their passwordsIf you want to check out what this individual is saying on their public Twitter or Facebook profiles, thats fine. Its up to them to make intelligent decisions when it comes to posting content and choosing proper privacy settings. However, you should never ask potential employees for the passwor ds to their social media profiles.Make aya HR is involvedYour HR department should be the ones handling the research. They know what is and isnt acceptable when it comes to factoring a candidates social media presence into the hiring process. Have them brush up on the legality of this issue, and then conduct the research on their own. They can then present their findings to you. Dont go rogue and find out everything you can about this person by doing endless Google searches.Check out social media profiles later on in the hiring processEveryone should come in for an interview with a clean slate. Let the candidate shape their own first impression by what they do and say. Its okay to check out how they present themselves on social media, but make sure you do this after youve already had a conversation with them in person.Know that people can make fake social media accountsIf you discover a social media account thats especially problematic, understand that there are instances where peop le can make fake social media accounts specifically to damage someone elses professional reputation. If everything else you know about this candidate suggests that they conduct themselves in an ideal manner both in and outside of the office, consider that this may be whats happened. Consider giving the candidate a chance to explain the unsettling profile.Compare apples to applesIf youre looking at all of the social media profiles one candidate has, but only looked at another candidates Twitter account, youre not being fair. Make sure that there is consistency in how you approach social media and the hiring process. If youre going to factor in every profile one potential new hire has created, do this for each of them. No picking and choosing allowed.How do you factor social media into the hiring process? Share with us in the commentsImage Twin design/